Expositie van 01 januari t/m 31 januari 2016

Andrea Schwelle


"I tell stories"

This phrase expresses the best of what I want to achieve with my pictures.
My name is Andrea Schwelle and I live in the small town of Bad Essen in Germany.
Photography employs me since I was ten, and it fascinates me to this day. It was still analog now I work mostly digitally although me analogue photography has never been properly released.
There are different levels that make me photographically always attract into its spell:

- The minimalism                                           
- The surrealism                                              
                                                         - The melancholy
On one hand, I realize these issues in the concept and portrait photography on the other hand, there are works that result from compositional, digital editing on a PC.
The natural, emotional side of a person to reveal through photography, excites me again and again, even my creativity in concept photography and digital processing to give free rein.

More about me you can find on the following pages:

Reactie plaatsen


Margo van den Berg
9 jaar geleden

your a real storyteller, love your photographs!

Rudi Fonteijne
9 jaar geleden

Hallo Andrea,Great Expo love your fine art photo's

Ellen Driesse-Pladdet
9 jaar geleden

Dear Andrea, thanks a lot for your wonderful contribution, it is a pleasure to look at the pictures. Good luck for the future ..!
Kind Regards Ellen

9 jaar geleden

Wat een indrukwekkende serie verhalende foto's.

Johann Mack
9 jaar geleden

Touchy, impressive... Just great !
Thank you for share with us !

Ruth Neuhäusler
9 jaar geleden

Sehr, sehr eindrucksvoll. Besonders das achtste Bild. Sehr angeifend durch die pure Einfachheit.